Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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C/C++ Source or Header
791 lines
Visualib Header File
Copyright (c) 1994
Visual Tech Co.
P.O.Box 8735
Fort Wayne, IN 46898-8735
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
Constants, types, and Macros
typedef float REAL;
#define SHORT int FAR PASCAL
typedef REAL far *LPREAL;
typedef REAL COORD;
typedef COORD COORD2[2];
typedef COORD COORD3[3];
typedef COORD COORD4[4];
typedef COORD far *LPCOORD;
typedef COORD2 far *LPCOORD2;
typedef COORD3 far *LPCOORD3;
typedef COORD4 far *LPCOORD4;
typedef REAL far *VECTOR;
typedef REAL far *MATRIX;
typedef REAL VECTOR2[2];
typedef REAL VECTOR3[3];
typedef REAL VECTOR4[4];
typedef REAL MATRIX2D[9];
typedef REAL MATRIX3D[16];
typedef VECTOR2 far *LPVECT2;
typedef VECTOR3 far *LPVECT3;
typedef VECTOR4 far *LPVECT4;
typedef VECTOR far *LPVECTOR;
typedef struct _tagPOINT2D { /* 2D point coordinates */
REAL x, y;
typedef struct _tagPOINT2H { /* 2D homogeneous point coordinates */
REAL x, y, w;
typedef struct _tagPOINT3D { /* 3D point coordinates */
REAL x, y, z;
typedef struct _tagPOINT3H { /* 3D homogeneous point coordinates */
REAL x, y, z, w;
typedef struct _tagBOX2D {
REAL xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
} BOX2D, far *LPBOX2D;
typedef struct _tagBOX3D {
REAL xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
} BOX3D, far *LPBOX3D;
typedef struct tagFACET {
short npts;
VECTOR3 normal;
LPINT vindex;
LPINT nindex;
typedef struct tagWIRE {
short vert1;
short vert2;
} WIRE, far *LPWIRE;
typedef struct tagPOLYFACET {
short nvert;
short nnorm;
short nfacet;
short nwire;
LPPOINT3D vertex;
LPVECT3 normal;
LPFACET facet;
LPWIRE wire;
typedef MATRIX3D far *LPMTRX3D;
typedef MATRIX2D far *LPMTRX2D;
#define EPSILON (REAL) 1e-5
#define QUTRPI (REAL) 0.78539816
#define HALFPI (REAL) 1.57079633
#define PI (REAL) 3.14159265
#define TWOPI (REAL) 6.2831853
#define DTOR (REAL) 0.0174532
#define ATOR (REAL) 1.7453293e-3
#define RTOD (REAL) 57.295779
#define SQRT2 (REAL)1.414214
#define SQRT3 (REAL)1.732051
/* coordinate type */
#define VL_2D 0x1000
#define VL_3D 0x2000
#define VL_2H 0x0400
#define VL_3H 0x0800
/* viewer status flag */
#define VL_TWOD 8
#define VL_THREED 16
#define VL_CURRENT 128
/* light coordinate mode */
#define VL_WORLDLIGHT 0x0001
#define VL_CAMERALIGHT 0x0002
#define VL_OBJECTLIGHT 0x0004
/* light type */
#define VL_POINTLIGHT 0x0100
#define VL_DISTLIGHT 0x0200
#define VL_SPOTLIGHT 0x0400
#define VL_AREALIGHT 0x0800
/* color type */
#define VL_AMBIENTREFLECT 0x0005
#define VL_DIFFUSEREFLECT 0x0006
#define VL_SHININESS 0x0009
#define VL_LIGHTCOLOR 0x0010
#define VL_AMBIENTCONTRIB 0x0020
#define VL_LIGHTLOCATION 0x0030
#define VL_LIGHTDIRECTION 0x0040
#define VL_LIGHTINTENSITY 0x0050
#define VL_SPOTLIGHTANGLE 0x0060
#define VL_ATTENUATION 0x0100
#define VL_GLOBALAMBIENT 0x0200
#define VL_SHADINGMETHOD 0x0400
#define VL_SHADINGMODEL 0x0500
#define VL_LOCALVIEWER 0x0600
#define VL_COUNTCLOCKWISE 0x0700
#define VL_TWOSIDESHADE 0x0800
#define VL_DEPTHBUFFER 0x0900
#define VL_PERTURBPIXEL 0x0D00
#define VL_PERTURBFACET 0x0E00
#define VL_ENVIRONMENT 0x0F00
#define VL_INQUIRE -1
/* projection mode */
#define VL_PERSPECTIVE 0x01
#define VL_ORTHOGONAL 0x02
/* Viewport Mapping Mode */
#define VL_AUTOFIT 3
/* standard pen and brush color */
#define VL_NONE 0
#define VL_RED 1
#define VL_GREEN 2
#define VL_BLUE 3
#define VL_BROWN 4
#define VL_MAGENTA 5
#define VL_CYAN 6
#define VL_WHITE 7
#define VL_GRAY 8
#define VL_LIGHTRED 9
#define VL_LIGHTGREEN 10
#define VL_LIGHTBLUE 11
#define VL_YELLOW 12
#define VL_LIGHTCYAN 14
#define VL_LIGHTGRAY 15
#define VL_BLACK 16
/* shading method */
#define VL_WIREFRAME 0x0001
#define VL_SOLIDFILL 0x0002
#define VL_CONTOURSHADE 0x0004
#define VL_GOURAUDSHADE 0x0008
#define VL_PHONGSHADE 0x0010
#define VL_FLATSHADE 0x0020
/* shading model */
#define VL_PHONGMODEL 0x0100
#define VL_SPECULARMODEL 0x0200
/* mark type */
#define VL_NULLMARK 0x0000
#define VL_CIRCLEMARK 0x0001
#define VL_CROSSMARK 0x0002
#define VL_XMARK 0x0004
#define VL_TRIANGLEMARK 0x0008
#define VL_BOXMARK 0x0010
#define VL_DIAMONDMARK 0x0020
#define VL_HEXAGONMARK 0x0040
#define VL_OCTAGONMARK 0x0080
/* arrow head type */
#define VL_NULLARROW 0x0000
#define VL_OPENARROW 0X0100
#define VL_CLOSEDARROW 0X0200
/* position mark type */
#define VL_CROSSHAIR 1
#define VL_ORIGIN 2
/* solid texture flag */
#define VL_MARBLE 0x0001
#define VL_WOODGRAIN 0x0002
#define VL_GRANITE 0x0004
#define VL_BUMPY 0x0008
/* Useful Macros */
#define ABS(x) (((x)>0)?(x):-(x))
#define TRUNC(x) ((int) (x))
#define FLOOR(x) (((x)>0) ? (int)(x) : -(int)(-(x)+1))
#define CEILING(x) ((x)==(int)(x)?(x):(((x)>0)?1+(int)(x):-(1+(int)(-(x)))))
#define ROUND(x) ((x)>0 ? (int)(x+0.5f) : -(int)(0.5f-x))
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
#define SQR2(x,y) ((REAL)(SQR(x)+SQR(y)))
#define SQR3(x,y,z) ((REAL)(SQR(x)+SQR(y)+SQR(z)))
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define SWAP(a,b) { a^=b; b^=a; a^=b; }
#define MIDVAL(a,b) (((a)+(b))*0.5f)
#define LERP(a,l,h) ((l)+(((h)-(l))*(a)))
#define CLAMP(v,l,h) ((v)<(l) ? (l) : (v)>(h) ? (h) : (v))
#define STEP(v,s) ((v)<(s) ? 0 : 1)
#define SIGN(x) (((x)<0) ? -1 : (x)>0 ? 1 : 0)
#define NEWLIST(type,n) (type far *)_fmalloc (sizeof (type) * (n))
#define NEWITEM(type) (type far *)_fmalloc (sizeof (type))
#define DIST2(x,y) ((REAL)sqrt(SQR2(x,y)))
#define DIST3(x,y,z) ((REAL)sqrt(SQR3(x,y,z)))
#define DETERM2(a,b,c,d) ((a)*(d)-(b)*(c))
#define DETERM3(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) ((a)*DETERM2(e,f,h,i)+(b)*DETERM2(f,d,i,g)+(c)*DETERM2(d,e,g,h))
#define VSET2(v,x,y) ((v)[0]=(x),(v)[1]=(y))
#define VSET3(v,x,y,z) ((v)[0]=(x),(v)[1]=(y),(v)[2]=(z))
#define VSET4(v,x,y,z,w) ((v)[0]=(x),(v)[1]=(y),(v)[2]=(z),(v)[3]=(w))
#define VGET2(v,x,y) (x=(v)[0],y=(v)[1])
#define VGET3(v,x,y,z) (x=(v)[0],y=(v)[1],z=(v)[2])
#define VGET4(v,x,y,z,w) (x=(v)[0],y=(v)[1],z=(v)[2],w=(v)[3])
Function Prototypes
Basic Functions
BINARY InitializeVisualib (void);
VOIDED ExitVisualib (void);
VOIDED AboutVisualib (void);
VOIDED LicenseInfo (void);
/* utility functions */
int FAR CDECL Message (WORD flag, LPSTR title, LPSTR format, ...);
VOIDED SetPoint2D (LPPOINT2D point, REAL x, REAL y);
VOIDED SetPoint3D (LPPOINT3D point, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z);
VOIDED SetPoint2H (LPPOINT2H point, REAL x, REAL y, REAL w);
VOIDED SetPoint3H (LPPOINT3H point, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z, REAL w);
VOIDED SetBox2D (LPBOX2D box, REAL xmin, REAL xmax, REAL ymin, REAL ymax);
VOIDED SetBox3D (LPBOX3D box, REAL xmin, REAL xmax, REAL ymin, REAL ymax, REAL zmin, REAL zmax);
VOIDED PenColor (HDC hdc, int color_index);
VOIDED BrushColor (HDC hdc, int color_index);
VOIDED TextColor (HDC hdc, int tcolor, int bcolor, int mode);
VOIDED PaintColor (HDC hdc, int pen, int brush, int mode);
SHORT CreateViewer (LPSTR name, RECT port, WORD type, WORD mode);
BINARY DeleteViewer (int vid);
SHORT ViewerMappingMode (int vid, int mode);
BINARY CopyViewer (int vid1, int vid2);
BINARY ResetViewer (int vid);
SHORT SelectViewer (int vid);
BINARY SetViewerName (int vid, LPSTR name);
BINARY GetViewerName (int vid, LPSTR name);
BINARY SetViewport (int vid, RECT port);
BINARY GetViewport (int vid, LPRECT port);
BINARY ClearViewer (HDC hdc, int vid, int color);
BINARY DisplayViewerFrame (HDC hdc, int vid);
BINARY DisplayViewerName (HDC hdc, int vid, int top);
BINARY BeginDoubleBuffer (HDC far *hdc, int viewid);
BINARY EndDoubleBuffer (HDC far *hdc, int viewid);
BINARY UpdateDoubleBuffer (HDC hdc, int viewid);
2D Functions
VOIDED Translate2D (REAL x, REAL y);
VOIDED TranslateTo2D (REAL x, REAL y);
VOIDED Scale2D (REAL x, REAL y);
VOIDED PointScale2D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL sx, REAL sy);
VOIDED TranScale2D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL sx, REAL sy);
VOIDED Shear2D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL a, REAL u, REAL v);
VOIDED Stretch2D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL a, REAL f);
VOIDED Mirror2D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL a);
VOIDED Rotate2D (REAL angle);
VOIDED PointRotate2D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL a);
BINARY ViewerField2D (int vid,
LPREAL left, LPREAL bottom, LPREAL right, LPREAL top);
BINARY PushTransformation2D (MATRIX m);
BINARY PopTransformation2D (MATRIX m);
VOIDED ConcatTransformation2D (MATRIX m, BOOL post);
VOIDED LoadTransformation2D (MATRIX m);
BINARY SetProjection2D (int vid,
REAL left, REAL bottom, REAL right, REAL top);
BINARY SetView2D (int vid, REAL x, REAL y, REAL a);
BINARY SetWindow2D (int vid, REAL left, REAL bottom, REAL right, REAL top);
BINARY MoveViewer2D (int vid, REAL horizontal, REAL vertical, BOOL local);
BINARY RotateViewer2D (int vid, REAL angle, BOOL local);
BINARY ZoomViewer2D (int vid, REAL zoom);
VOIDED MoveTo2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y);
VOIDED RMoveTo2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y);
VOIDED LineTo2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y);
VOIDED RLineTo2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y);
VOIDED Line2D (HDC hdc, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2);
VOIDED RLine2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL dx, REAL dy);
VOIDED Label2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, LPSTR label);
VOIDED MoveTo2H (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL w);
VOIDED LineTo2H (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL w);
VOIDED Line2H (HDC hdc, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL w1,
REAL x2, REAL y2, REAL w2);
VOIDED Polygon2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD vertex, int count);
VOIDED PolyPolygon2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD vertex,
LPINT polycount, int count);
VOIDED Polyline2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int count);
VOIDED ClosedPolyline2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int count);
VOIDED Mark2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, int hsize, int vsize, int head);
VOIDED PolyMark2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int n,
int hsize, int vsize, int head);
VOIDED Pointer2D (HDC hdc, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2,
REAL l, REAL w, int type);
VOIDED Arrow2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL u, REAL v, REAL r, REAL l,
REAL w, int type);
VOIDED Net2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int m, int n);
VOIDED MarkPosition2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL size, int type);
3D Functions
SHORT ProjectionMode (int vid, int mode);
VOIDED Translate3D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL z);
VOIDED TranslateTo3D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL z);
VOIDED Scale3D (REAL sx, REAL sy, REAL sz);
VOIDED PointScale3D (REAL x, REAL y, REAL z, REAL sx, REAL sy, REAL sz);
VOIDED Rotate3D (REAL angle, char axis);
VOIDED AxleRotate3D (VECTOR ref, VECTOR dir, REAL a);
VOIDED Stretch3D (VECTOR ref, VECTOR dir, REAL f);
VOIDED Shear3D (VECTOR ref, VECTOR dir, REAL u, REAL v);
VOIDED Mirror3D (VECTOR ref, VECTOR dir);
BINARY PushTransformation3D (MATRIX m);
BINARY PopTransformation3D (MATRIX m);
VOIDED ConcatTransformation3D (MATRIX m, BOOL post);
VOIDED LoadTransformation3D (MATRIX m);
BINARY ResetProjection3D (int vid);
BINARY SetProjection3D (int vid, REAL left, REAL bottom, REAL right,
REAL top, REAL front, REAL back, BYTE mode);
BINARY SetPerspective (int vid, REAL fovy, REAL aspect,
REAL zmin, REAL zmax);
BINARY SetView3D (int vid, REAL ex, REAL ey, REAL ez,
REAL ax, REAL ay, REAL az, REAL twist);
BINARY SetPolarView (int vid, REAL ax, REAL ay, REAL az,
REAL dist, REAL azim, REAL inc, REAL twist);
BINARY ViewerLocation (int vid, LPREAL x, LPREAL y, LPREAL z);
BINARY ViewerDirection (int vid, LPREAL x, LPREAL y, LPREAL z);
BINARY ViewerField3D (int vid, LPREAL left, LPREAL bottom,
LPREAL right, LPREAL top, LPREAL front, LPREAL back);
BINARY MoveViewer3D (int vid, REAL horizontal, REAL vertical, REAL backforth,
BOOL local);
BINARY RotateViewer3D (int vid, REAL angle, char axis, BOOL local);
BINARY ZoomViewer3D (int vid, REAL zoom);
VOIDED MoveTo3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z);
VOIDED LineTo3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z);
VOIDED RMoveTo3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z);
VOIDED RLineTo3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z);
VOIDED MoveTo3H (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z, REAL w);
VOIDED LineTo3H (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z, REAL w);
VOIDED Line3D (HDC hdc, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL z1,
REAL x2, REAL y2, REAL z2);
VOIDED RLine3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z, REAL dx, REAL dy, REAL dz);
VOIDED PolyArrow3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, LPVECT3 dir, int n,
REAL r, REAL l, REAL w, int htype);
VOIDED Label3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z, LPSTR label);
BINARY Mark3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z,
int hsize, int vsize, int type);
VOIDED PolyMark3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int n,
int hsize, int vsize, int htype);
VOIDED Polygon3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD vertex, int count);
VOIDED PolyPolygon3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD vertex,
LPINT polycount, int count);
VOIDED Polyline3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int count);
VOIDED ClosedPolyline3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int count);
VOIDED MarkPosition3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z, REAL size, int type);
VOIDED Pointer3D (HDC hdc, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL z1, REAL x2, REAL y2,
REAL z2, REAL l, REAL w, int type);
VOIDED Arrow3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL z, REAL u, REAL v, REAL w,
REAL r, REAL l, REAL t, int type);
VOIDED Net3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int m, int n);
Shading Functions
VOIDED ResetShader (void);
/* depth buffer functions */
BINARY SetDepthBuffer (int hview);
BINARY SelectDepthBuffer (int hview);
BINARY FreeDepthBuffer (int hview);
VOIDED ClearDepthBuffer (WORD val);
/* light functions */
BINARY CopyLight (int lid1, int lid2);
BINARY ResetLight (int lid);
SHORT CreateLight (LPSTR name, int type);
VOIDED DeleteLight (int lid);
SHORT SelectLight (int lid);
BINARY CopyLModel (int lmid1, int lmid2);
SHORT CreateLModel (LPSTR name);
VOIDED DeleteLModel (int lmid);
SHORT SelectLModel (int lmid);
SHORT GetLightType (int lid);
BINARY SwitchLight (int lid, int status);
BINARY SetLightCoordinateType (int lid, int type);
/* material functions */
SHORT CreateMaterial (LPSTR name);
VOIDED DeleteMaterial (int mid);
SHORT SelectMaterial (int mid);
BINARY CopyMaterial (int mid1, int mid2);
BINARY ResetMaterial (int mid);
/* shading parameter functions */
SHORT ShadingOption (int id, int opt, int status);
COLORREF WINAPI _ShadingColor (int id, int type, COLORREF color);
#define ShadingColor(id,type,color) _ShadingColor (id, type, (COLORREF) color)
BINARY ShadingFactor (int id, int type, REAL f);
BINARY ShadingParameter (int id, int type, BOOL inquire, VECTOR param);
/* shading primitive functions */
BINARY _ShadeFacet (HDC hdc, VECTOR normal, int type, LPCOORD vertex, int count, LPVECT3 param);
#define ShadeFacet(hdc, normal, type, vertex, count, param) \
_ShadeFacet (hdc, normal, type, (LPCOORD) vertex, count, param)
BINARY _ShadePolygon (HDC hdc, VECTOR normal, int type, LPCOORD point, int count);
#define ShadePolygon(hdc, normal, type, point, count) \
_ShadePolygon(hdc, normal, type, (LPCOORD) point, count)
BINARY _ShadePolyPolygon (HDC hdc, VECTOR normal, int type, LPCOORD vertex, LPINT pcount, int count);
#define ShadePolyPolygon(hdc, normal, type, vertex, pcount, count) \
_ShadePolyPolygon (hdc, normal, type, (LPCOORD) vertex, pcount, count)
BINARY ShadePolyFacet (HDC hdc, LPPOLYFACET polyfacet);
BINARY ShadingPreview (HDC hdc, LPRECT rect, REAL r, REAL d);
/* programmable shader functions */
VOIDED GetPixelPosition (LPINT x, LPINT y);
VOIDED GetPixelViewNormal (VECTOR normal);
VOIDED GetPixelWorldNormal (VECTOR normal);
VOIDED GetPixelObjectNormal (VECTOR normal);
VOIDED GetPixelViewCoordinate (VECTOR coord);
VOIDED GetPixelWorldCoordinate (VECTOR coord);
VOIDED GetPixelObjectCoordinate (VECTOR coord);
VOIDED GetPixelViewCameraAxis (VECTOR vaxis);
VOIDED GetPixelWorldCameraAxis (VECTOR vaxis);
VOIDED GetPixelObjectCameraAxis (VECTOR vaxis);
VOIDED SetPerturbation (int type, void (CALLBACK* proc)());
BINARY SolidTexture (int type);
Image Mapping and Printing Functions
typedef int (WINAPI *DRAWPROC)(HDC);
#define VL_FLUSHTOP 0x0001
#define VL_FLUSHBOTTOM 0x0002
#define VL_FLUSHLEFT 0x0004
#define VL_FLUSHRIGHT 0x0008
#define VL_HORZFIT 0x0010
#define VL_VERTFIT 0x0020
#define VL_ALLFIT 0x0030
#define VL_HORZCENTER 0x0040
#define VL_VERTCENTER 0x0080
#define VL_HORZSCALED 0x0100
#define VL_VERTSCALED 0x0200
#define VL_BESTFIT 0x0400
#define VL_USE31APIS 0x0800
#define VL_MILLIMETER 0x1000
#define VL_CENTIMETER 0x2000
#define VL_MARKCORNER 0x4000
#define VL_MARKPAGE 0x8000
BINARY ReadDIBFile (LPSTR fname, LPHANDLE hdib);
BINARY WriteDIBFile (LPSTR fname, HANDLE hdib);
BINARY SetPrintRect (HDC hdc, LPRECT rect, int mode, double x, double y,
double w, double h, int bw, int bh);
VOIDED GetScreenRect (HWND hwnd, BOOL withframe, LPRECT rect);
BINARY PrintImage (HANDLE hdib, WORD mode, REAL x, REAL y, REAL w, REAL h);
BINARY PrintDrawing (DRAWPROC draw, WORD mode,
REAL x, REAL y, REAL w, REAL h);
BINARY ImageMap2D (HDC hdc, HGLOBAL hdib, int type, LPCOORD vertex);
BINARY ImageMap3D (HDC hdc, HGLOBAL hdib, int type, LPCOORD vertex);
/* text parameter */
#define VL_TEXT_HEIGHT 0x0001
#define VL_TEXT_ASPECT 0x0002
#define VL_TEXT_THICKNESS 0x0004
BINARY TextParameter (int type, REAL param);
BINARY SelectFont (void);
BINARY SetFont (const LPLOGFONT lplf);
BINARY Text2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL a, LPSTR text);
BINARY Text3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL a, LPSTR text);
BINARY SolidText (HDC hdc, LPSTR text);
2D Curve Functions
VOIDED QBezierCurve2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly);
VOIDED QBSplineCurve2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED QNURBSCurve2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n, VECTOR knot);
VOIDED BezierCurve2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly);
VOIDED HermitCurve2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly);
VOIDED BSplineCurve2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED NURBSCurve2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n, VECTOR knot);
VOIDED SplineInterp2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED BSplineCurveClosed2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED NURBSCurveClosed2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly,
int n, VECTOR knot);
VOIDED CatmullRomSpline2D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
3D Curve Functions
VOIDED QBezierCurve3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly);
VOIDED QBSplineCurve3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED QNURBSCurve3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n, VECTOR knot);
VOIDED BezierCurve3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly);
VOIDED HermitCurve3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly);
VOIDED BSplineCurve3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED NURBSCurve3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n, VECTOR knot);
VOIDED SplineInterp3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED BSplineCurveClosed3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED NURBSCurveClosed3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly,
int n, VECTOR knot);
VOIDED CatmullRomSpline3D (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int n);
VOIDED Spring (HDC hdc, int n, REAL radius, REAL height);
3D Curve Functions
SHORT CircleSide (short side);
VOIDED TransfVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL a, REAL sx, REAL sy, LPREAL vertex, int n);
SHORT RectangleVertex (int type, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2, LPREAL vertex);
SHORT BoxVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL sx, REAL sy, LPREAL vertex);
SHORT NgonVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n, LPREAL vertex);
SHORT FlowerVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n, REAL r, LPREAL vertex);
SHORT StarVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n, LPREAL vertex);
SHORT ArcVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n, REAL a, REAL b, LPREAL vertex);
SHORT PieVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n, REAL a, REAL b, LPREAL vertex);
SHORT RingVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n, REAL a, REAL b, REAL w, LPREAL vertex);
SHORT RoseVertex (int type, REAL x, REAL y, REAL a, REAL r, int m, int n, LPREAL vertex);
2D Primitive Functions
VOIDED Rectangle2D (HDC hdc, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2);
VOIDED Box2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL w, REAL h);
VOIDED Disk2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry);
VOIDED Pie2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL a, REAL b);
VOIDED Ring2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL a, REAL b, REAL w);
VOIDED Chord2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL a, REAL b);
VOIDED Ngon2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n);
VOIDED Flower2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, int n, REAL ratio);
VOIDED Star2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n);
VOIDED Arc2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL a, REAL b);
VOIDED Rose2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL r, int m, int n);
VOIDED Spiral2D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL a, REAL b, REAL r, REAL dr);
3D Primitive Functions
VOIDED Rectangle3D (HDC hdc, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2);
VOIDED Box3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL sx, REAL sy);
VOIDED Ring3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL a, REAL b, REAL w);
VOIDED Disk3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry);
VOIDED Pie3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL a, REAL b);
VOIDED Chord3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL a, REAL b);
VOIDED Ngon3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n);
VOIDED Flower3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, int n, REAL r);
VOIDED Star3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL rx, REAL ry, int n);
VOIDED Arc3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t,
REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL a, REAL b);
VOIDED Rose3D (HDC hdc, REAL x, REAL y, REAL t, REAL r, int m, int n);
VOIDED Spiral3D (HDC hdc, REAL a, REAL b, REAL r, REAL dr, REAL h);
VOIDED Spring3D (HDC hdc, REAL a, REAL b, REAL r, REAL h);
3D Surface Functions
BINARY BezierSurface (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int ns, int nt);
BINARY HermitSurface (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly, int ns, int nt);
BINARY BSplineSurface (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly,
int Sc, int Tc, int ns, int nt);
BINARY NURBSSurface (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD poly,
int Sc, int Tc, VECTOR Skn, VECTOR Tkn, int ns, int nt);
BINARY CoonsPatch (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD point, int nu, int nv);
Solid Primitive Functions
BINARY Cube (HDC hdc, REAL w, REAL l, REAL h);
BINARY Cylinder (HDC hDC, REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL h);
BINARY Cone (HDC hDC, REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL h);
BINARY Ellipsoid (HDC hdc, REAL a, REAL b, REAL c);
BINARY Sphere (HDC hdc, REAL r);
BINARY HemiSphere (HDC hdc, REAL r, REAL h);
BINARY SolidStar (HDC hdc, int n, REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL h);
BINARY SolidFlower (HDC hdc, int n, REAL r, REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL h);
BINARY SolidPie (HDC hdc, REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL h, REAL a, REAL b);
BINARY Frustum (HDC hdc, REAL bw, REAL bl, REAL tw, REAL tl, REAL h);
BINARY Ridge (HDC hdc, REAL w, REAL l, REAL h, REAL r);
BINARY Prism (HDC hdc, int type, LPCOORD base, int n, REAL h);
BINARY Pyramid (HDC hdc, LPPOINT3D base, int n, LPPOINT3D tip);
BINARY WedgedCone (HDC hdc, REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL h, REAL a, REAL b);
BINARY WedgedCylinder (HDC hdc, REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL h,
REAL tr, REAL a, REAL b);
BINARY WedgedSphere (HDC hdc, REAL rx, REAL ry, REAL rz,
REAL a1, REAL a2, REAL b1, REAL b2);
BINARY WedgedTorus (HDC hdc, REAL r1, REAL r2,
REAL a1, REAL a2, REAL b1, REAL b2);
BINARY Torus (HDC hdc, REAL r1, REAL r2);
BINARY SolidRing (HDC hdc, REAL rtop, REAL rbot, REAL t, REAL h, REAL a,
REAL b, REAL ratio);
BINARY Tube (HDC hdc, REAL rtop, REAL rbot, REAL t, REAL h);
BINARY Sweep (HDC hdc, MATRIX transf, int nstep, LPVECT3 vertex,
LPVECT3 normals, int npts, int mode, VECTOR snormal);
BINARY Revolution (HDC hdc, LPVECT3 vertex, LPVECT3 normal, short n,
REAL angle, int mode, VECTOR snormal);
BINARY Tetrahedron (HDC hdc, REAL r);
BINARY Octahedron (HDC hdc, REAL r);
BINARY Dodecahedron (HDC hdc, REAL r);
BINARY Icosahedron (HDC hdc, REAL r);
Object Array Functions
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *RectArrayProc)(HDC hdc, int row, int col);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CubicArrayProc)(HDC hdc, int row, int col, int lev);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PolarArrayProc)(HDC hdc, int row, int col);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CylindricArrayProc)(HDC hdc, int row, int col, int lev);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SphericArrayProc)(HDC hdc, int row, int col, int lev);
BINARY RectangularArray2D (HDC hdc, int m, int n,
REAL xinc, REAL yinc, RectArrayProc fp);
BINARY RectangularArray3D (HDC hdc, int m, int n,
REAL xinc, REAL yinc, RectArrayProc fp);
BINARY PolarArray2D (HDC hdc, int m, int n,
REAL roff, REAL ainc, REAL rinc, PolarArrayProc);
BINARY PolarArray3D (HDC hdc, int m, int n,
REAL roff, REAL ainc, REAL rinc, PolarArrayProc);
BINARY CubicArray (HDC hdc, int m, int n, int l,
REAL xinc, REAL yinc, REAL zinc, CubicArrayProc fp);
BINARY CylindricArray (HDC hdc, int m, int n, int l,
REAL roff, REAL ainc, REAL rinc, REAL zinc,
CylindricArrayProc fp);
BINARY SphericArray (HDC hdc, int m, int n, int l,
REAL roff, REAL toff, REAL ainc, REAL rinc, REAL tinc,
SphericArrayProc fp);
#ifdef __cplusplus